Faith Journey- Day 5

Day 5- A Continual Work in Progress

On Day 4 we focused on the goodness of our God. We learned that God’s goodness is not based on His actions alone…it’s who He is. When we try to define God’s goodness from our limited perspective, we will be disappointed. God’s ongoing work in our lives is to produce His holiness. Often, that can be a painful process.

Today, let’s focus on the process of becoming holy. Holiness is not something we will fully achieve this side of glory. Holiness is the ongoing, active work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

I was beginning to learn this process of holiness throughout our Ryan story. At that time, I was completely desperate for The Lord’s presence, comfort, peace, guidance, help, and any other adjectives that can be added to this list. I was desperate…period. My desperation kept drawing me back to Him constantly. I did not know much, but I knew enough to seek the Only One who had answers.

My prayer journal entry from August 1996 (six weeks after our Ryan’s open-heart surgery):

” Lord, I praise You that Ryan is getting stronger every day. I see progress. However, his pediatrician is concerned that he is not sitting up on his own yet. We are starting physical therapy. Please help Ryan to gain strength.

 I am tired. I thought that after his open-heart surgery all would be good. Why is he not meeting benchmarks? Lord, help my unbelief when things get difficult. Help me to rest in Jesus…In the calm assurance of His grace and mercy. Your Word says that you have a plan and purpose for my life (and Ryan’s) and that you are faithful to complete it.

 Once again, I come before you and beg that You, oh Lord, empty this vessel of self and fill it with Your Holy Spirit to be used and poured out for Your glory.

 I love you, Lord, make it my heart’s desire to follow and cling to you even when I don’t “feel” like it, when I’m tired…overwhelmed…discouraged…struggling with unbelief.

 Please give me strength and wisdom to be Ryan’s mom. You have trusted me with this special gift. I don’t want to mess up. I NEED You, I cannot do this on my own.”

 Read Romans 5:1-5

According to verse 3 and 4 what does suffering produce in our lives if we hold steadfast to our faith?



Answer honestly…would you have these characteristics if not for your difficulties, suffering, or trials?



I know I would not. Utter and desperate dependence on The Lord Jesus has come as a result of my sufferings. My suffering has produced perseverance. My hope in Christ is the result of my perseverance (patience). My hope and faith established in Jesus Christ alone, brings about the sanctification of holiness.

  • Read James 1:2-5



What does the testing of our faith bring? What about the work of perseverance or patience?



The word perseverance or patience (in some translations) is the Greek word humomone.This word does not describe passiveness but an active endurance.

In Tony Evan’s book, “Your Comeback,” he states:

We often make the mistake of being inactive when we’re facing trials and challenges of life. When the mountain seems too high to climb or too large to move, we sit and leave it all for God to do. But, too often, while we think we are waiting on God, He is actually waiting on us. He is waiting to see if we will take an action of faith, even in the face of the impossible.”

 The impossible is possible with God alone! But, we have to be actively pursuing our faith journey with Him. Sometimes, we become so paralyzed by our circumstances that we do nothing. Our faith is not passive. It’s active. God is working in and through us continually. AND, we must actively pursue Him with our obedience. Our Creator God has so much to teach us. Let’s be actively involved in the process of learning.

Don’t know what to do…tell Him. Feeling overwhelmed…tell Him. Struggling with unbelief…tell Him. Battling discouragement and/or depression…Tell Him. Actively seeking God, in the midst of struggles, will produce godly characteristics, called holiness.

Pray and ask The Lord to bring about His holiness through perseverance as you actively seek Him. He is faithful to do it!

Keep on trucking through our Faith Journey. Jesus is so worth it! I’m praying for you, my sojourning sister!












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